Risk Assessment

Tree Risk Assessment in Southeast Michigan

TRee Risk Assessment

Holding the ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification is of enormous value to you as the consumer. Why? Because often you are asking us, the professional, if your tree is safe. So don’t you feel it’s extremely important that we have the education to base our answer on? All too often well-intentioned and less well-intentioned individuals will tell you that a tree is dangerous based on factors that are not based on proven studies. Having this qualification just enables Momentum Tree Experts to perform an assessment of your trees more accurately, objectively, and thoroughly which either saves you from cutting down a tree unnecessarily or reveals to you a serious need to address an observed concern.

There’s are three levels of risk assessment:

* Level 1: Limited Visual Tree Risk Assessment
This is used when the tree will be viewed from a defined, limited perspective. It consequently has limitations as to which risks it may detect. This view may include an aerial patrol, a drive-by windshield survey, a foot patrol, or photographs.

* Level 2: Basic Tree Risk Assessment
This level involves looking at the tree’s roots, trunk, and crown to detect structural defects. It is a 360-degree, ground-based visual observation of the tree.

* Level 3: Advanced Tree Risk Assessment
This level is anything in excess of level 2. It may include tissue testing, drone inspection, and resistance drilling.

Allow Momentum Tree Experts to work alongside you to determine the legitimate hazard your tree does or perhaps more importantly does not pose to you and your property!

Schedule Tree Risk Assessment